To help as many people as possible with, or affected by, cancer cope with their situation by providing them with a range of high quality support services including: complementary therapies, counselling, support groups and other therapeutic activities, in a caring, friendly and supportive environment
To ensure that as many who might need our support know about us and are encouraged to contact us and benefit from all the help we can provide
Our Values
The welfare of our members is our paramount consideration and this reflects itself in everything we do. As a progressive organisation we will always develop and adapt to the needs of our members
We are inclusive, everyone is welcome and nobody is discriminated against
We treat everyone with dignity and their views and choices are respected
We aim for the highest standards in everything we do; our therapies and counselling are delivered by professionally qualified practitioners
We maintain confidentiality at all times
Our Objectives and Plans
Our Key Objectives
To offer an unrivalled service to our area and increase the number of members we attract and are able to support
To develop and improve the range of services and support we offer
To extend the reach of our services
To develop and support staff and volunteers through training where required to ensure our services operate to the highest standards
To achieve and prudently manage the income necessary to achieve these objectives
Our Plans
To review, develop and improve the range of services offered at our Purley Centre, Croydon University Hospital and the Croydon Wellness Centre
To align our services with the area’s diverse community
To increase our out-reach services and capability
To engage with all GP’s and their hubs, hospital staff, health boards and localities programmes and all major health partners to improve their knowledge of our activities and support for patients
To work in collaboration with like-minded organisations, including Macmillan, Maggies, St Christopher’s Hospice, Duffus Cancer Foundation and Penny Brohn
To upgrade the Centre and its supporting infrastructure, including IT to improve our efficiency and service to members
To attract adequate funding by working closely with all existing sources. To develop new and sound relationships with business and the community
To maintain an effective marketing, public relations and social media programme to support our activities and build awareness of the Centre and its work